Monday, June 20, 2011

Chemo Fun With Dad

Happy Belated Father's Day to all the fathers who read this blog. I will post some pictures and the story of Bob's father's day tomorrow.  Today, I am watching my dad sleep through chemotherapy session #4.  The doctor said that the results of his last CT scan (from last Wednesday) show that the tumors are unchanged and stable.  Whatever that means.  Since the original CT scans used to compare to the most recent CT scans were done in March, the doctor and my dad both concluded that there is no way of telling what actually happened between March and June.  However, the chemotherapy may be keeping the tumors from growing any further and so the doctor has decided to continue with the current treatment plan. I know secretly my dad was hoping to get out of having to continue with chemotherapy, but for now...we will continue on through this painfully emotional process.  Luckily though, he is physically feeling fine. He has gotten use to his nephrostomy bag, AND he is still able to take 2-mile walks, complete 20+ mile bike rides, and clean the gutters (much to my mom's disapproval).  It usually takes 5 days for my dad to start feeling back to normal, so hopefully, he will be up and at 'em by the weekend. I will be leaving to finish up things in D.C. on Friday and then I will be flying back to Atlanta mid next week to spend fourth of July weekend in Atlanta.  By the way, my dad had a GREAT father's day. Of course he would...he has some awesome kids and a great wife (if I do say so myself). Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed a nice lunch with some folks from the CDC gang and Bob on Friday. Things we learned:
    1. Bob has a somewhat lumpy head.
    2. Bob wrote a happiness song while in Spain which he is will play and sing with little encouragement in a voice not too far off from another, more famous Bob. (stay tuned - it might appear here on the blog or even on youtube soon!)
    3. As he utilizes more health services for his cancer care, Bob is less and less impressed with the US health care system.
    4. Cancer, chemo and all, Bob will be Bob.

    Bob, as always looking forward to our next rendevous, AR
