Monday, August 29, 2011

Chemo Free Days

So, where did I leave off?  I went home on August 11th to visit my family for two really quick days. My dad picked me up from the airport Thursday night and I was greeted at home by my mom, my Aunt Alicia, and some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. What more could a girl ask for?

There were two things that my dad seemed really excited about: (1) the new windows in the house (I must admit they are nice) and (2) his new bird feeder with the upside down cone to prevent squirrels from climbing up it and stealing all of the bird seed.  We talked about these two things in great detail.

Friday night we had dinner at Marcus and Stacey's house and then had a rousing game of Farkel.  I almost won, but my mom came back and beat me at the end.  My dad however was Farkeling out of this world. If you have ever played any kind of game with him, you should know he is quick to give you advice...on how best to lose.

I left Saturday evening, but not before enjoying a nice dinner with the family at a neighborhood Mexican restaurant. It was a quick visit, but it served its purpose.

So how is my dad doing??? He's doing pretty good. He loves not having to go to doctors for chemotheraphy and other unnecessary activities involving needles. He has started biking again, with my mom of course, so I'm sure he's happy about that as well.  He is still pursuing alternative treatment methods, but some of the options may take longer to materialize than he had originally hoped for.

Oh, a belated shout out to our family friend, Carla, and her quilting group at St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church. They made two lovely quilts for "strength and support...with love, hope and prayers" that my mom and dad now keep on the sofa in the family room.  They make great napping accessories I might add.

Also, here's a belated picture of my dad and his new BFF (best friend forever), Abbott.  It was taken back in April.  Enjoy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Marcus!..and the quick and dirty update on Bob.

Today is Marcus' (my brother's) birthday!!!! Happy Birthday to one of my very best friends and the best brother a girl could ever ask for. He feeds me when I'm hungry, tells me my parents are crazy when they don't do as I wish, and always checks to make sure I'm okay.

So, I know I have been MIA as far as the blog is concerned, but as Marcus' stated in the last post, I just started a new job where I am managing people and I have no clue what they actually do every day. It's a great challenge and I am loving every minute of being super busy and bossing people around.  I talked to my dad a couple of days ago via email and I talk to my parents every Sunday (it's a tradition). He had chemo treatment on Tuesday, so I'm sure he's not feeling too well right now. I talked to Marcus this morning (to wish him Happy Birthday of course) and he said my dad was doing pretty good all things considered.  My dad doesn't have any plans (as of now) for any more chemo treatments since he likes chemo treatments as much as he likes the current healthcare system in America. WARNING: Please don't engage him in conversations about hospital bills and/or how much chemo treatments costs unless you have plenty of spare time on your hands. He is now very passionate about these things. And that's what makes him my dad :-)

I'm pretty sure my mom and dad have been entertaining visitors, remodeling the house, and going through their normal daily routine. Not much has changed.  My dad is still looking into alternative treatment methods and I'm pretty sure that this research is consuming most of his time and energy.  I know he can't wait to prove those doctors wrong! Every last one of them (except of course the good doctors that work at CDC). I would tell you all of the nicknames he has for his various doctors, but I would like to keep this blog PG.

I miss my family like crazy and think about them every day. Chicago is an interesting city and I'm slowly but surely learning my way around. Luckily, my dad has plenty of frequent flyer miles that he so generously shares with his baby girl. So...I will be in Atlanta next weekend to visit!!!! Lucky for me, my Aunt Alicia will be in town as well. I will make sure to take some more pictures of the family during my visit.  Until then...

A Throwback - Picture's from Father's Day

Sorry these are so late going up, but here are some pictures of my family celebrating Father's Day this year.

 Above picture: My dad taking pictures of the family he kept leaving behind on the Silver Comet trail.

 Above picture: Bob and his kids. Can't you tell how excited they are to be biking 16 miles????

 Above picture: The Keegan Family - halfway done with the wonderific bike ride!

Above picture: Me taking a picture of my dad and I while he is singing the "Happiness Song". I'm not very good at getting myself in the picture though. Look for the song coming soon on YouTube ;-)